Beer Review: PC Red Brew (De-alcoholized)

Now I know what you are thinking, why is he:
A. Drinking a Non Alcoholic Beer, and 
B. Why is he reviewing said beer. 

Well to be completely honest, I wanted to try something new, and going away for the long weekend, I didn't want to drink a bunch of mediocre beer and wake up feeling like I was hit by a train. 

So over the last litt
le while, I have been buying the President's Choice Red Brew.

Photo Courtesy of Chris (He's Awesome)

Now I will put the disclaimer out there, I still drink normal and unique beers!  That will not change, but like in life we need to make small adjustments to excel in other things.  With training for Crank the Shield and other biking events, I needed to make some tweaks to the ole diet, and cutting back on alcohol is one of those changes.  I will still enjoy the odd beer here and there, just not to the level I was doing before.  

For this drink, it is still brewed at a normal Brewery.  Lakeport Brewery who is owned by Labatts, are the folks that do this beer for President's Choice.  

One of the biggest things I noticed with the PC Red Brew, was there wasn't any odd after taste or really anything.  I was pleasantly surprised at how it tasted like a beer.  If I were to compare it to another alcoholic beverage, I would say probably like a Keiths Red or Rickard's Red, something along those lines for sure.  

Now I typically at this point would discuss the appearance, flavour profile, taste, texture, aroma, etc etc etc, (I'm aware a few of those were the same meaning), but I'm really just going to give the down and dirty. 

Yes it is a De-alcoholic beverage, measuring 0.5% ABV, but that doesn't by any means relate to loss of flavour.  The Red Brew has a full body of flavours.  You are not going to get the hoppy hits, and the intense citrus flavours that would would on other beers.  What you do get is a drink that tastes just like a normal beer, without any of the harsh after taste and or hangovers the next day if you drink to excess.  

I know some people out there will not try it because they are the hard core beer drinkers, or they are stuck in their ways.  Believe me, I was there, I was the beer snob, kinda still am, but everyone needs a change sometimes.  The PC Red Brew is a change I am happy I made.  

I enjoy a drink for the flavour, not because of what effects is does to the body, mind etc.  If something tastes good, then why not drink it.  Like some famous person said, Let them eat cake.... Well let them drink a drink that is good.  Not really sure what that has to do with anything, but it sounded pretty good. 

At the end of the day, the PC Red Brew was a great alternative, that I will be buying more of for sure. 

Rating:  4.55 out of 5


  1. I understand you very well... and for the 1st time i'm trying the PC Blond for exactly the same reasons as i you

    I like the beer taste, no doubt about it, but i gotta cut back on alchohol... but sadly, sparkling water, juices whatever just dont cut it when i sit down after a long day to watch a show. I want that beer taste


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