Beer Review: Junction Craft Brewery - Black Lager

As we move closer and closer to the holiday season, the selection at the local LCBO becomes better and better.  Now if you don’t live in Ontario, well then you probably don’t know what the LCBO is… It is a great place that you can purchase your alcohol needs, whether it is beer, wine, spirits etc.  Shameless LCBO plug checked off the list…

Luckily for me, having dinner at a friends’ place recently allowed me to try Junction Road Brewing’s Black Lager.  With a name like Black Lager, you would assume that it is a Black Lager, and well you would be correct…. It is a black lager… It would be funny though if when you poured out the black lager that it was red or clearer, that would really mess with your perspective.  But I digress, The Junction Road Brewery Black Lager was just that a Black Lager.

As you can tell by the photo in the post, well the Black Lager pours Black, surprise surprise.  That being said, it poured out a nice dark beer with a beige head.  But you can see that by the photo.  The head stuck around for just about as long as I started drinking it… which wasn’t too long, because a cold beer in a glass just looks appealing. Like a Pizza Hut all you can eat buffet, you just want to sit there and eat.  Not really sure on that analogy, but now I’m wanting pizza.  It’s like going grocery shopping when you are hungry, you just keep buying and buying and buying, and that 20$ shop you were supposed to do ends up costing you 70$...

The taste, the key factor of a beer, and really the main reason you drink it.  Now this is subjective based on your taste buds, and whether you had a crazy amount of hot sauce prior to drinking the beer.  My tastes were as follows; Initial flavor profile was roasted malts, with a hint of chocolate, then into some hop notes.  Nothing crazy on the hop finish, but the transition from roasted malts to hops was a smooth transition.  There was a moderate amount of carbonation, typical with what you would find on a black lager. 

At the end of the day, this is one of the better Black Lagers out there for sure.  It had everything going for it taste wise.  If you see Junction Craft Breweries Black Lager on the shelf pick it up, and give it a try.  You will not be disappointed.  

Remember to go out and try different local craft breweries, we live in a time where there are so many popping up and that equates to a lot of really really good

Rating:  4.67 out of 5
5.5% ABV


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