Beer Review: Trailer Park Boys Green Bastard IPA

If you are Canadian, you have probably heard of the Trailer Park Boys. If you haven't heard of them, google it right now, I'll wait for you to find it..... waiting..... waiting..... now that you are back, you probably have seen photos of Bubbles, Ricky and Julian. Well based on the TV show, they are releasing various alcoholic beverages, such as the Green Bastard IPA, Freedom 35 Lager, and Ricky's Catch 23 Malt Liquor. You will see them in the LCBO or local beer stores for sure, they have seemed to really take off!! This past weekend, while at Mark's place discussing our upcoming Park to Park ride (which will have a full documentary done up) I enjoyed the Trailer Park Boys Green Bastard IPA. Now I know what you are thinking, a beer based on the Trailer Park Boys can't be good, well my friends you are completely wrong, it's a bottle of joy. As in typical IPA fashion, it is on the stronger side of the ABV and IBU, at bot...