Spring finally Sprung???

Finally after a long and arduous winter, that didn't seem to want to let go, we had a beautiful weekend. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and the snow was melting faster than butter in a hot pan. I was able to jump onto the road bike and do a nice tour through the hills of Adjala-Toss, and just enjoy not sitting on the trainer in the basement. Sure the trainer is great in the winter to get some extra kilometers in and work up a good sweat, but there is something to be said about being on your bike and having an end destination. The day I was out, it seemed like everyone decided to take advantage of the nice weather. Other people were on their bikes, or out for a hike, raking their yard, or sitting in a lawn chair in their driveway enjoying a beer. Seeing those people made me want to stop for a beer. So that's what I did. Thank goodness Ann lives on my route, and thank goodness she has beer! With having a view like what is above in ...