2019 - New Year, New Goals

It has been far too long since I've actually posted, there has been some changes in my life, new career path, winter has been filled with Curling and Hockey and Spinning, not so much biking outside. Am I concerned going into 2019, not at all, I have pushed harder this off season to make sure I hit the ground running again, or I guess biking. What goals do I have for 2019, well mainly to be out on the bike in the forest or on the road. I have some personal goals, to get faster, more endurance and have more fun. All of which are more than achievable. Looking at the bike schedule, I'm going out and trying a couple road races / rides this year, based out of Creemore, nothing crazy, 60 and 100km tours. More to get out and see whether I like it or just stick to the forest / morning road rides. Sometimes it is just nice to get out on the bike and ride, no reason or training, but just to be out and enjoying everything. I will be trying this year to ride...